The Glenn Gould School is one of the foremost music schools dedicated exclusively to performance training. With a maximum enrollment of 130 students, the school offers a nurturing environment and close mentoring from its acclaimed faculty.
Exceptional teaching by dedicated faculty to nurture gifted young talent.
Nurturing sustainable careers in performance
Créer des carrières soutenues en interprétation
Intense and well-rounded musical training in an extracurricular format
Professional training in music performance

L’École Glenn Gould
L’École Glenn Gould dispense un enseignement musical de la plus haute qualité et offre tout le soutien nécessaire à ses étudiants afin de leur permettre d’atteindre des sommets d’excellence.

The Phil and Eli Taylor Performance Academy for Young Artists
The Royal Conservatory created The Phil and Eli Taylor Performance Academy for Young Artists to formalize its existing program for extraordinary young musicians aged nine to 18. Built on the philosophy that young talent, when properly nurtured and expertly trained, can become great talent, today The Taylor Academy is recognized as one of the finest training programs for young artists in North America.